Scott Bakal sin profil

Courtney Barnett for Rolling Stone

I am delighted to have created a portrait of Courtney Barnett for the new issue of Rolling Stone. It is for the release/review of her new record 'Tell Me How You Really Feel'.

I wanted to convey some of the possible emotions that one would go through to connect with the upcoming record. I didn't have access to any music other than what was pre-released so I wanted to run the gamut yet also capture a bit of my interpretation of Barnett as I saw her after watching hours of interviews. 

I can't write about her without saying also that I adore her singing...almost talking and rambling style of singing along with her wit.  I really look forward to hearing the rest of the record!
Courtney Barnett for Rolling Stone

Courtney Barnett for Rolling Stone

Painting of musician Courtney Barnett for the release of her new record.
