vicki watsons profil

The Magic Smiles Project

The Magic Smiles Project creates beautiful art for little warriors who need a little magic.

All of the art starts with a simple facebook pm to the Magic Smiles page, I then ask for 10-15 happy snaps of the little warrior to be pm'd to me and a little about their personalities.
I then create their Magic Smiles art, the final digital image is then posted on the page and sent to print.

Once the print is back I then send it on to the warrior !!!!


I wanted to use my talents to create art for those who really need a  kind gesture, a totally unconditional act from a stranger who just wants to bring a little happiness.

So far over 30 Magic Smiles art pieces have been created.

This project has definitely made a lot of Magic Smiles !!!!!
The Magic Smiles Project

The Magic Smiles Project

Creating magic art for children with cancer and other childhood illnesses at no cost to parents.
