Purpose: The Week In Review was started as an effort to keep our staff and stakeholders up to date with current events surrounding education in Nebraska and our department. We were looking for a more visually appealing way to deliver a short burst of content vs sending a newsletter, and we had the right staff available to make it happen. The entire series has been very well received among staff and outside viewers. Most episodes are kept to 3.5 minutes or less, and feature photos and video to keep the viewer engaged. We send a weekly email to staff, state senators, school administrators and anyone else interested after that weeks episode is posted. Moving to a video vs newsletter format has increased the click through rate of these emails.

Process: The logo was designed in Illustrator, then the text animations were all built using After Effects. We use a Photoshop template to make the over-the-shoulder (OTS) graphics, and everything is edited together in Premiere Pro. We shoot on a green screen backdrop in our small studio, then key in the background while editing in Premiere Pro. This June will mark the 1 year mark since posting our first episode. All work is done in house by the Communications Team at the Nebraska Department of Education.
Week In Review

Week In Review

The Week In Review is a weekly short form web newscast designed to keep staff and stakeholders of the Nebraska Department of Education informed o Leggi di più
