Suteddi Chen's profile

Aspirin "Spelling Bee"

“Spelling Bee Competition”
Ambience: at Spelling Bee National Champion Competition
SFX : Crowd of audience
FVO: …C - H - E
MC: That’s right!
SFX: Audience Clapping
MC: Next, I would like you to spell some phobias : Xanthophobia
SFX : tik…tok…tik…tok…
FVO: X – A - N –T – H - O - P – H – O – B - I – A… Xanthophobia!
MC : That’s correct!!
SFX: Audience Clapping
MC: The next word is: Cephalgiaphobia
SFX : tik…tok…tik…tok…
FVO: ee….may I have the definition?
MC : Cephalgiaphobia is fear of the next headache
SFX : tik…tok…tik…tok…
MC : Cephalgiaphobia….
FVO: S…E…?
SFX : People Murmuring
FVO: ee…. May I have aaaa..? … can you give me aaaa …ooh..
A… – S… – P - I - R – I – N
SFX: Bell ringing (Ting!)
Announcer: Everytime a headache strikes, remember Aspirin
Aspirin "Spelling Bee"

Aspirin "Spelling Bee"

Didit Indra, Executive Creative Director. | Puri Erlangga, Creative Director. | Thomas Patrick/Suryani Widodo/Putti Adrian/Suteddi Chen, Scriptwr Read More
