The famous club Queen of Hoxton in London asked me to imagine for his new rooftop a special painting on 4 floors.
During one week, I created a magical journey from the bottom of the stairs to the top, starting in the desert and ending in Lost Vegas.

The story of Lost Vegas
After years of tyranny, the United States rose up in revolt in 2021 and stuck it to The Man. Eco-warriors and neo-hippies spearheaded the collapse of the old ways and the advent of a brand-new future. The planet has fought back.
Plants and animals flourish in a world where humans are no longer top of the food chain and jungles consume the ruins of cities that are now co-habited by animals, birds, plants and a new eco-conscious tribe of humans.
The Xora, (our tribe of naturalists) have set up their new society in the ruins of the Las Vegas strip. Here, a green- living community of second-generation Trumpageddon survivors thrive, living off the planet with a new level of respect for the natural world. These new age children of the revolution are creating a world built of hope and peace, and, boy do they love to party. This summer, join us in celebration of the planet, celebration of life in all its forms and the creation of this new world.

Check out my instagram for more!

Lost Vegas London
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Lost Vegas London

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