Profil użytkownika „Avraham Raskin”

Holographic Street Barriers

Augmented Reality Street Barriers
I love what they have done in Jerusalem by putting their light rail on a very busy street. Both pedestrians and the light rail share the street.

Absolutely love it.

But that doesn't mean I have always been alert and paying attention to my surrounding. Some of those times ended up quite embarrassing.

So I tried imagining what it would look like if AR barriers would raise when a tram was approaching, so that no matter if I have my face glued into my phone, or had headphones blocking my ears... I would be kept alert and safe at all times.
Read the Medium article for this video
Has this ever happened to you?

Would you love to have this type of alert in your life?


Thanks for stopping by!

Twitter: @avrahamraskin
Instagram: @avrahamraskin
LinkedIn: @avrahamraskin

Holographic Street Barriers


Holographic Street Barriers

Imagine walking down the street and a barrier comes up alerting you and stopping you walking into the path of an oncoming tram.
