Profilo di YF Arts

BN (desktop) - UX/UI Project, May 18'

BN (desktop)
UX/UI Project, May 18'
Platform: Desktop
Target audience: Everyone 14+
Business goals: Promote products; Survey the markets; Promote brands
If you're a UX/UI professional or a good colourist - please leave any useful feedback in terms of User Experience design and color usage
User flow
Disclaimer: All images have free-for-reuse right according to Google Images. All icons were taken from Google Material Design. All information depicted is fictitious and is provided with presentation purpose only.
🎨 Thanks for Watching 💗
BN (desktop) - UX/UI Project, May 18'

BN (desktop) - UX/UI Project, May 18'

Personal UX/UI project with the aim to practice interface building skills. Project represents a web service for following popular brands, their n Leggi di più
