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EAC Emblem Redesign Concept

Rethinking the EAC
Established under the 4th Summit Treaty signed in Arusha on 30th November 1999, the EAC brings together 6 nations which have divers’ cultural backgrounds, resource wealth and scenic beauty. The key pain points of the current brand architecture are a lack of consistency in visual language in both online and offline modes and between organs and institutions and also an inability to adapt to the changing and evolving nature of the organization.

Our approach to the challenge presented by the brief was to create an Identity system that would communicate the EACs common purpose by connecting the cultural diversity of the member states, the enormous wealth pooled together by the nations and the beauty of the East Africa region that has made us the envy of the world. This connected identity would have the ability and capacity to stretch across all EAC platforms, organs and channels.

Cultural Diversity
The biggest representation of our cultural diversity is embodied in our artistic heritage as a people, from intricate carvings on doors to vibrant designs on clothing to hand crafted shoes to emotive paintings, art is part of the EAC. We represented this artistic concept using an abstract pattern that was moderately intricate but distinctly identifiable. Due to its encompassing nature, the cultural element also forms the basis for the common unique identifier for all EAC Organs and Institutions and key graphical element.

Scenic Beauty
East Africa is beautiful, from our game reserves to Mt Kenya, to The Ruwenzori ranges and the Virunga mountains to Mt Kilimanjaro. To represent this beauty, we choose a mountain icon representing Mt Kilimanjaro since it’s the highest and most prominent. The angle of elevation for Mt Kilimanjaro is 13.7 Degrees, however the slant is too step and not aesthetically pleasing. We multiplied the angle of elevation by two and used an angle of 27.4 degrees for the Mountain icon design.

Resource Wealth
The regions resource wealth is best embodied in Lake Victoria, an Icon of the EA region. We used a water icon to represent the common wealth of the East African Community. From oil to geothermal to tanzanite, our shared wealth is our common heritage and the catalyst for growth in the region.

The Palette

We used a slightly vibrant cool color palette to give the brand mark an approachable feel but yet retain a sense of corporate energy.

Primary Color
Green is the most common color in the EA member states flags. It Occurs 5 times in the current member states and is predominant in most African states. The green used is a Cool Lime Hue merging the dark shades of the Kenyan Flag with the light tints of the Burundian Flag. The Color can both be used as a Headline color andbackground color. Green Symbolizes Harmony & Nature essential parts of the EAC identity. It also suggests stability and endurance.

Secondary Color
The secondary color is blue, a Triadic color of the Lime Green. In addition, blue appears 3 times in the member state Flags. The Secondary Color canbe used for accents and backgrounds. Blue is associated with depth and stability and is a common color in corporate identities. A solid Grey is used for the text color and backgrounds.

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EAC Emblem Redesign Concept

EAC Emblem Redesign Concept

Established under the 4th Summit Treaty signed in Arusha on 30th November 1999, the EAC brings together 6 nations which have divers’ cultural bac Read More
