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Green Tea Subscription: a Boon for the Health Conscious

By now, most of us are well aware of the benefits of green tea. One of the most popular teas of today’s time, green tea has been an absolute favorite of many. Marketed as the ultimate weight loss tea, this brew has gained global popularity, especially among the health conscious. If you are wondering about buying good quality leaves then you can always buy green tea online from Teafloor. Teafloor is the place to be if you are a tea enthusiast. The website carefully hand-picks the best quality brews for their loyalist customers. Nothing that is sent to the customers is anything short of perfect. The best part is that you can find many different varieties of teas, so you can easily pick and choose brews which are pleasing to the palate and the pocket. Be a smart consumer and register on the Teafloor website right away to enjoy excellent teas at affordable prices.
The advantages of a tea subscription
Tea subscriptions have been introduced to the Indian consumers by Teafloor. India is the land of the largest tea drinking population in the whole world. There are so many chai wallahs dotted along the streets of the nation, that it is evident that the country is hook-line-and-sinker in love with the brew. While “chai” is a favorite among many, a lot of people are switching over to green tea for its health benefiting property. After black tea, green tea is the most widely consumed tea across the globe, because it maintains the sanctity of the antioxidants and flavonoids during the processing stages. The best part about a tea subscription box is the fact that you can easily choose from a 3 month, 6 months and 12-month plan, and the tea is delivered to your home, on time, on a monthly basis. You also get to save a decent sum of money all thanks to the discounts offered by the website.
Why choose the Teafloor monthly tea box subscription?
In case you do not prefer a green tea subscription then you can go for other monthly tea subscription boxes like you can easily try from the best tea of the month club, black tea subscription, Darjeeling tea subscription, etc. The site offers discounts ranging from 15% to 25% so you get to save up on a decent amount. Be sure to spend your money wisely, and instead of buying green tea bags, opt for the green tea subscription, which will provide you with good quality, unadulterated loose leaf tea.

Green Tea Subscription: a Boon for the Health Conscious

Green Tea Subscription: a Boon for the Health Conscious

