Their Story ..
“We have been living in the Mt Eden area for a few years, and would occassionaly go to the top of Mt Eden summit for a picnic. So earlier in December we we talked about going for a picnic up on Mt Eden….because we knew that Xmas was going to be busy with family and friends etc (it was our chance to spend a bit of time together). When we got to the summit of Mt Eden and to our picnic spot, there were road cones blocking our spot, which I thought was really weird at the time but Rob just went and moved them (pretended like he was surprised too, when actually he was the one that put them there – he got up at 4am that morning and collected road cones from around Mt Eden and drove them up to the summit, just to ensure no one would sit in our spot!).

We were sitting there for a while and then it started to rain. Rob was determined not to leave, but when it actually started pouring down I made him go back to the car. So we sat in the car for about 10 minutes and when it cleared up we rushed back to our spot. We were sitting there for a few minutes and then all of a sudden a New Zealand Couriers guy runs up the hill carrying this massive package wrapped in brown paper (I could tell that it was a painting of some sort), and he was saying ‘I have a special delivery for Marija’. Anyway, he insisted that I sign for the package (it actually had a proper courier sticker on it), and once I signed and ripped the paper from the package I saw that it was actually a painting of Rob proposing to me on Mt Eden. I looked over and Rob was down on one knee with a ring. As you can imagine at that point I was crying my eyes out because I finally realised that he was
actually proposing.
A few seconds after I said yes and Rob put the ring on my finger, our families ran up the hill (my brother and his wife were over for Xmas from Brisbane, plus my parents and all of Rob’s family, even my parent’s dog was there) with bottles of champagne. It was so awesome to have everyone there!
The most impressive thing is that the painting had everyone in it, and everyone was wearing exactly the same thing as what was on the painting. Rob even got me to wear this dress before we left home, because it was on the painting. So everything from the picnic rug, chilly bin, Rob’s outfit….everything on the painting was exactly the same as on the actual date. Rob asked all of our family months before the proposal to send him photos of themselves, which he then sent onto the painter. Even the NZ Couriers van features on the painting.
The proposal was pretty amazing – my friends still can’t believe it.”
Working process
The characters
And the poropose place
Angle and acting

Sketch & Clouring


Congratulation Rob & Marija !
Rob's propose

Rob's propose

Watercolour painting, A2, 2012
