Brahmjot Kaur's profile

Share guidelines within projects!

A project intended to homogenize the way of working and provide a collaborative platform to all the UX designers working on various projects.
A project that is intended to homogenize the way of working and provide a collaboration platform to all the UX designers working on various projects in the UXiD team at Airbus (including internal employees and subcontractors). The portal was a place where all designers could come and learn about the various projects at Airbus and also use the design system. It was a very early concept. The idea was also that a new joiner could get onboarded on various different UX initiatives at Airbus. I worked closely with the designers on their journeys and built a logical flow. I did some paper pencil wireframes and tested them to validate the hypothesis of the wireframe. Collaboratively with designers/users, we defined categories that were useful to make sense of the platform. Presented these ideas in a simple form to the stakeholders. I also then worked on a call to tender with various subcontractors to build this portal. Provided details of the tasks and timelines and managed budgeting for the solution.
Below are the high-fidelity screens that were ready to be deployed to the developers for development of the platform.
Share guidelines within projects!

Share guidelines within projects!

A project that is intended to homogenize the way of working and provide a collaborative platform to all the UX designers working on various proje Read More
