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Film Poster - "The Little Guys"

Film Poster Project - "The Little Guys"
A series of A1 Posters for a Documentary

In the first half of 2017, some of us were given the opportunity to work with the graduating Film students from our school. We were tasked with creating a series of three posters for them to choose from, based on their films or documentaries.

I decided to work on the documentary called “The Little Guys”, by Leroy Lim & Dione Tan, which covers the war that the Singapore Government and Singaporeans are currently waging against the particular mosquito species known as the aedes aegypti. The three posters below gradually shifted in focus from an illustration-based piece to a typographic one as I was hoping to explore the latter a little more.​​​​​​​
The first two poster variations feature a blown-up version of a male aedes mosquito that I sketched and shaded out on Photoshop, with a pencil-like brush. The first poster was meant to mimic the common motif of doves with olive branches, symbolising peace, which is exactly what the Government was attempting to use to combat the breeding of the species.

The second poster was where I decided to experiment a little more with typography, giving the final row of letters a tiny bit of a "blood-drip" effect.
As for the final poster, I was hoping for it to instill a sense of disgust and "itchiness" that come naturally with the presence of these critters and their nasty bites. I shrunk the original illustration of the mosquito and filled their bellies with blood, accompanying the "bite-ridden" skins of the letters.
Film Poster - "The Little Guys"

Film Poster - "The Little Guys"

A film poster for the documentary, "The Little Guys" by Leroy Lim & Dione Tan
