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John's Exterior Stone Siding Project

Before GenStone Installation
After GenStone Installation
As you can see from Josh’s before picture, his house was a mixture of concrete block, wooden siding and brick. From that list of three exterior materials, it was an easy decision for Josh which wall he was going to upgrade with GenStone exterior stone siding.
While the stone veneer on the home’s exterior wall made a striking difference, it’s important to consider how addressing less noticeable areas can really bring the whole project together. If you look closely you will notice that Josh also updated the posts supporting his upper patio with exterior stone siding.

GenStone panels are do-it-yourself friendly and cast from real stone found in nature. The authenticity preserved by this careful casting process made all the difference in Josh’s project. While a more plastic looking alternative would have failed to blend in with the natural brick and wood materials on Josh’s home, GenStone is able to blend with these natural materials without question. In fact, the deep browns found in these hand painted Stratford stacked stone panels mimics a natural stone material so well, the stacked stone is able to complement the matte finish on Josh’s new metal patio railing. Other manufactured stone panels tend to have a shiny finish that resembles plastic more than stone.

GenStone exterior stone panels are engineered to endure the elements and offer an impressive R-Value. GenStone panels are also impact resistant, have been tested against 2,000 hours of UV exposure and can be even installed below grade.
John's Exterior Stone Siding Project

John's Exterior Stone Siding Project

Josh decided to use GenStone to add an appealing aesthetic to the exterior of his home.
