Perfil de hye-yeon jo

Beef from the field, TOFU Package design

Beef from the field, Tofu and Soy milk
A package design of tofu made by grinding whole Korean beans into traditional methods.
Based on the story of " Soy is beef from a field, "
 it was designed to convey an intuitive message that soy nutrition is passed on without loss.
We designed the package with the traditional Korean logo type and graphic motif that 
expresses the meaning of the product interestingly.

Naming, identity design, copywriting, package, leaflet, homepage etc
밭에서 거둔 소고기, 밭에서 짜낸 우유
국내산 콩을 통째로 갈아 전통방식으로 만드는 전두부, 두유의 브랜딩 작업.
'콩은 밭에서 나는 소고기' 라는 표현에 착안, 콩의 영양이 손실없이 전해진다는 메세지를 
네이밍으로 풀어 소비자에게 직접적으로 전달할 수 있도록 디자인되었습니다.
전통적이며 유니크한 한글 로고타입, 제품의 의미를 재미있게 표현한
라인 그래픽 모티브들로 패키지디자인을 완성했습니다.

Beef from the field, TOFU Package design

Beef from the field, TOFU Package design

A package design of tofu made by grinding whole Korean beans into traditional methods. Based on the story of " Soy is beef from a field, " it was Leer más
