Design your Child's Future: Anti - Fear Campaign

Design your Child's Future
An Advertising Campaign for Parents on their Fear of their Child's Future
Case Study Requirement for Advertising Practice V: Campaign Development and New Media
Group Project with Helen Arante, Dylan Puri, and Karen Sabit

- To minimize the fear of the Target Market (Middle Class parents), which is their fear on their Child's Future. 
- To show the different insurance plans offered by Sun Life Financial, that would help them overcome their fear.
- To show that they can overcome their fear once they get an insurance plan that would help them, with their child's future.​​​​​​​

Advocacy Campaign Logo
We decided to make it consist of a graduation cap with a book on top, to showing that one of the keys to ensure your child a bright future, is through education. You can secure your child's future with an education insurance plan. The tagline's "Design your Child's Future" states that you can design or plan it through the different insurance plans offered, that you can choose that would fit your budget.
Print Ads
Teaser Ad  |  Introductory Ad  |  Sustaining Ad
We wanted to show that you can help your child reach their dreams, with the help of their insurance plans offered. In the teaser ad, we wanted to show that children start having dreams. We wanted a question for the headline, to make the target market wonder if they can make their child's dreams a reality. For the introductory ad, we wanted to introduce the campaign, and show that the company offers different insurance plans that would help with their child's future. We also showed a visual of a child studying and the possible dreams they may have or want to achieve. For the sustaining ad, we wanted to show that the child's dream, has become a reality. Through their plans offered, they can make their child's dreams a reality.
TV Commercial
The TVC aims to let them get insured for their child’s future. It shows that in early age, we all have dreams, but only some can truly achieve it. The mother realizes that if she wants her daughter to reach her dreams, she should prepare for it. The TV commercial then skips to the future where the child has already reached her dreams and the parents are proud and thinks that all their hard work and the insurance was worth it, because their daughter reached her dream of being a successful doctor. Seeing their daughter succeed and do what she loves to do is enough to make them feel contented and say that "It was worth it". This shows that because of Sun Life Financial, the parents didn’t have to worry about their child’s future.
For the billboard, we wanted to let the target market know that Sun Life Financial, will be there to help them fulfil their child’s dreams. The visual shows a child with a lot of awards. This shows that even if your child is doing well, but you do not have an insurance plan fit for you and your child, you may not be able to fulfil their dreams. With Sun Life Financial, you wouldn’t have to fear, since they can help fulfil your child’s dreams through different plans that they offer. The billboard also shows another one of the services they offer that help their child reach their dreams.
Transit Ad
Bus Ad
The goal of the transit ad is to make the parents and their children imagine how they would look like in the future and when they already have a job. The researchers also placed the brand logo at the top of the interior of the bus and on the seat covers closer to the isle for them to distinguish what the brand is. The back of the seats closer to the isle, have print ads for the target market to have a better idea on what the advocacy campaign is. Through this transit ad, the target market would realize they should start having an insurance with Sun Life Financial. They would also realize that they wouldn’t have to fear for their child’s future, because of Sun Life Financial.
Non - Traditional Executions of Concept
Major Non - Traditional Executions of Concept
Minor Non - Traditional Executions of Concept
Minor Non - Traditional Executions of Concept

Design your Child's Future: Anti - Fear Campaign