Blank image:
Blank image + design:
Easily customazible details:
Full size preview:
Smart grid:
View 2:
View 3:
Full size preview (view 3):
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3D model (view 1):
3D mode (view 2):
Final topology of the 3D model:
Hello everyone!

I want to present you a joint work with the YIMG team.

It is easy to use mockup of passport with tickets which includes different smart layers such as: background, shadows, masks for elements, smart grid, highlights etc.

These and other mockups can be purchased here:

The rest of my mockups you can find here.

If you did not find the mockup you need - I am ready to take the order.

Thank you for watching and have a nice day!
Passport w/ Tickets Mockups
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Passport w/ Tickets Mockups

Includes special layers and smart objects for your work. This mockup is available for purchase only on Yellow Images. Sample design is not incl Daha Fazla Bilgi

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