araike sevverino da silvas profil

Poetry In Pictures inspired by The Hell Divine Comedy

 "languages diverse horrible dialects, accents of anger words of agony, and voices high and hoarse, with sounds of hands." Inferno, Canto III
"By other ways, by other ports thou to the shore shalt come not here for passage" -Inferno, Canto III
"Thereafter all together they drew back, Bitterly weeping, to the accursed shore, Which wait every man who fears not God." Inferno Canto III
"Each one her breast was rending with her nails; They beat them with their palms, and cried so loud, That I for dread pressed close unto the Poet."  - Inferno canto IX
Poetry In Pictures inspired by The Hell Divine Comedy

Poetry In Pictures inspired by The Hell Divine Comedy

Photography Project based on poems and lyrics of songs. in this part of the project i've been inspired by The Hell of the Divine Comedy , written Läs mer
