An Early Morning Walk
On a dark Seattle morning.
I found myself forced to wake up far too early in the morning one day, so I decided to make the best of it. Images grabbed in Downtown Seattle.
Waited for a bus to fly by so I could get the market sign behind me. It worked and I liked it, so I’m calling this one Market Mirror. At least, that’s what the filename is.
Somebody dumped a bag of seed along the sidewalk, and the Swarm descended.
Nothing mystical, just a girl walking her dog.
Pike Place Market at about 6:45 in the morning is dark, empty, and calm — in stark contrast to the way the place runs for most of the daytime hours. On my walk through this morning, I was able to stroll right up to the famous fish-throwers in the corner, but what I saw there was truly terrifying. They were massing a small army of angry looking crustaceans.
Corner of Pike and 1st, facing East.
Mr. Backpack Suit Guy, who walks without moving his arms, who stares blankly ahead while listening to music on his over-ear headphones, who prefers a generic slate grey to more adventurous colors: Your haircut is vanilla, but your backpack is ill, because it has a hot pink sport-stripe. Keep on walking, Mr. Backpack Suit Guy.
Sarah is a girl who likes chewing gum. She has plenty of money lying around from illegally-operated lemonade stands, with a healthy bonus gained by stashing half her allowance every week for a year — so she has no problem funding her lust for more gum. Her favorite word is her own name. She probably wanted to stay in Seattle when her parents said it was time to go back home, to Salt Lake City.

I'm just kidding, I have no idea who Sarah is. Image grabbed at the Post Alley Gum Wall, Seattle.
An Early Morning Walk

An Early Morning Walk

An early morning walk through Downtown Seattle.



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