Proposal Text
The proposal of this object is to imitate negative spaces of the volcanic rock and overlay unexpected tectures in order of create an uncanny and mysterious object. The final object is being cast twice, first with plaster and second with resin roughly mixed with dye.
By allowing the resin top coat tobe cured for a while, the final product successfullu preserved the fluidity of dye and avoided the dye to be pushed aside by the heavy plaster base.
Oddly, the object presents none of the roughness that is inherited in its precedent but almost reminds one of a pulsating surface of the water. The translucency of the resin and the fluidity of the dye mimic the flow of water, while the bse of it is made of solid plaster. Such combination of materiality disguises not only viewer's eyes, but the touches as well.

Fabric Assembly
Armature Assembly
Final Drawing
Process Images
Final Product


This project produces fabric-cast plaster panels exploring the subversion of material authenticity, undermining surface signification, and questi 閱讀更多
