Philip Limawan Herrison 的個人檔案

Fashion Photoshoot - Ease by Melissa

by Melissa

Fresh collection from Melissa
Lively Top 
Back buttoned top with colourful pattern, childish yet still adult kinda look. ​​​​​​​

Skirt on details 
Details are the main focus of this skirt, as the ribbon tie can be used for two functions either for ribbon tie around hips or tie for a shirt. Suitable for workwear or daily wear for any occasion.​

After World
There are two viewpoints to describe this theme, one representing the dark, and one representing the light. The dark side tells a story of sadness, death, and endings. On the other hand, the light side expresses purity, kindness, and beginnings. These are represented by the use of colors, textures, and structures.

Love Flowing and Balance
Combination of love flowing and balance gives a nice touch of feeling. Life needs a touch of love and a touch of balance to flow that will gives smooth existence. 

Designed and embroidered by Melissa Kartokusumo. 
Photographed by Philip Limawan Herrison

Copyright 2018 Melissa Kartokusumo | Philip Limawan Herrison
Fashion Photoshoot - Ease by Melissa

Fashion Photoshoot - Ease by Melissa

A collection of clothing by Melissa, take a look deeper into the meaning behind every piece!
