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Our daily racism, Chilango Magazine

Editorial project for Mexico City's leading culture magazine Chilango. Five illustrations trying to capture five popular Mexican sayings for a special feature on racism in everyday language. Published in February 2018.
«No seas codo, pareces judío» 
Literal translation, please note this just doesn't translate: "don't be an elbow (stingy, in Mexican Spanish), you're just like a jew".
«No tiene la culpa el indio, sino el que lo hace compadre»
Literal translation, please note this just doesn't translate: "the Indian is not to blame, but the one who makes him his pal".
«Cara de Olmeca»
Literal translation, this one is easier: "Olmeca face".
«Hasta entre los perros hay razas»
Literal translation, this one even works: "even between dogs there are races".
«Trabajo como negro para vivir como blanco»
Literal translation, though an international classic: "I work as a black man in order to live as a white man".
Our daily racism, Chilango Magazine

Our daily racism, Chilango Magazine

Editorial project for Mexico City's leading culture magazine Chilango complementing a special feature on racism in everyday language.
