Classroom Connect is a platform that aims to facilitate communication between parents of young children (ages 3 to 10) and their teachers.
In order to allow the most seamless user experience 2 versions of the application have been prototyped with careful adherence to iOS and Material Design guidelines.
The prototype was tested with iOS and Android users to ensure maximum satisfaction.
Research was conducted in order to ensure the most important features were covered.
Once the scope was clearly defined a precise user flow was put together.
All screens were sketched and wireframed for both versions. Keeping in mind the specific guidelines of each system.
Profile page for instance adheres to what iOS / Android users are accustomed to see.
The Menu also appears in different manners: iOS most commonly displays a bottom navigation bar while Android uses a side panel with a hamburger menu.
While iOS leave very little room for color, Android entice to choose bold primary and secondary colors.
I chose to go with a warm yellow because to reflect the friendly feeling of this happy place where parents can see their child growing and teal as a secondary color to add comfort and smoothness and relate to the “social” goal of the app.
For iOS only the yellow was used as an accent color. The iOS blue is also very present per the guidelines for all buttons and actions.
The fonts also matched the requirements of both systems using San Francisco for iOS and Roboto for Android.
Icons used also match what the user commonly sees in each system.
Finalized prototypes were tested with potential users and modified based on the feedback.
Overview of a few final screens and their comparison between Android and iOS versions
Native Application
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Native Application

Classroom social app

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