This is an ongoing, personal project that I'm really enjoying. Digital, Black and White portraits of some great people. 

Above: Janelle Monáe
Below: Nick Offerman
Above: Aubrey Plaza
Below: George Saunders
Above: Tina Fey
Below: Patrick McGoohan
Above: Caitlin Moran
Below: Serge Gainsbourg
Above: Miranda July
Below: Toshiro Mifune
Above: Bambara (Villain from animated Aeon Flux series)
Below: Carson McCullers
Above; Kathleen Byron
Below: Keith Moon
Above: Bill Callahan
Below: Polly Jean Harvey
Above: Christopher Lee
Below: Will Oldham AKA Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
Above: Brian Eno
Below: Amy Poehler
Above: Bill Nye the Science Guy
Below: John Cale
Above: Alice Lowe
Below: Bill Hader
Above: Simone Giertz
Below: Bob Mortimer
Above: Carrie Brownstein
Square Portraits


Square Portraits
