Editorial: Jean Prouve 

This is a group project together with Luthfi kautsar

This editorial is base on the architect and designer Jean Prouve. We recreated a piece of editorial from our interpretation of his philosophy, designs, and inspiration.

The simple forms that are put together into Prouve's furniture and homes can easily be reconstructed into a different design. Another prominent element is the mixture of different material in his designs. Therefore, we extracted forms from his designs and reconstructed then into new forms using gestalt theory. In this editorial, the forms can be flipped and folded in different ways to be viewed in various perspective.

The process:
Using the forms of Jean Prouve furniture designs, we mask the structures from modern architectures that are design during the modernist period during the 19 century. Then, the gestalt theory is applied to reconstruct the new form. 

Jean Prouve

Jean Prouve


Kreative områder