App Design
Hofstra shuttle 22 minutes late
I designed an app to help ease the struggles that Hofstra Students go through when they use the shuttle services.  The goal of this app is to make traveling easier and stress free by allowing students to reserve seats and track the locations of the shuttles.  I also designed the app to assist with other means of transportation.  Users can see all available taxis on Long Island, which students on campus are willing to offer them a ride, the LIRR schedules, and even which subways to take in NYC.  To prevent users from using the app to "troll" other students (reserving seats and not showing up for example), failure to board the shuttle will result in a strike.  After three strikes a student can't board the shuttles again without paying a fine.  Users can also create a travel plan and send it to other students who use the app.  This will make it easy to communicate which shuttle they must take, which train stop to get off on, and where there are going in NYC.  
Visual Scenario (images from Google):
Wireframes/early concepts:
Screens from the finished app (built in Adobe Illustrator):
Button mapping (done in Blueprint):
All slides from presentation (Powerpoint):
FA102D App Design

FA102D App Design

App Design for Fa102D
