Biografía (ES):

Creemos en la fantasía, en aquello que aunque irreal resulta absorbente y atractivo, Que hace que pienses mas de una vez en ello para encontrarle un sentido que puede ser único en cada una de las personas que miran nuestros trabajos.

Queremos demostrar que dos mentes en sintonía piensan mejor que una y creemos que los estilos e ideas que desarrollamos demuestran nuestra teoría.

Aunque nos consideramos dentro del pop surrealista (Lowbrow), tratamos temas reales, que nos perturban, preocupan y afectan.

Y pensamientos propios sobre como está el mundo y como lo estamos llevando a una destrucción metafísica y real. Cómo estamos creando en masa monstruos capaces de realizar masacres (ya sea intelectuales, morales, físicas, …) por dinero, poder, … Y todos nos quedamos sentados observando con aterradora frialdad.

Nuestras ilustraciones van muy marcadas por la tinta (al igual que todas nuestras obras) y con una notable inclinación hacia el estilo japonés. Trabajamos igualmente el arte digital como el tradicional.

Biography (EN):

CRAJES is a creative team composed by Carla Rend?n and Jessica Ruiz.
We got together as a team on 2009, we began our wanderings with experimental animation shorts, with time our bonding has increased giving place to a more consistent line of work.

We are self taught, we came from Psychology and Philosophy studies which became very handy on our later work.

Our style could be considered Lowbrow or Surrealistic Pop and our artistic philosophy always come from a concept that might be shown or neglected at the final shape of our work.

We consider ourselves multidisciplinary, we came to think that because we have done projects that include very different media and we have covered pretty much the whole spectrum of techniques including animation, video art, digital art, classic art, illustration, graffiti, wall painting and sculpture.

We have been influenced by many things, movies, comic books, music ? and social aspects that concern us and try to give expression to manifest ourselves through our work using imagination to disseminate our thoughts.

Experimental animation “AMOK”
SHOTS 2009
FILMETS 2010. Winners of Venus Badalona a mejor producción 2010.

LACDA. Top 40. LA. June.
The Hive Gallery. LA. Group Show. July
Moleskine FAD. Barcelona. Group show. October.
Bartcelona. Premio internacional de arte contemporáneo. Winners second price. Barcelona. October.
Atticus Gallery. Doom generation. Barcelona. Solo show. October.
BAC 11.0. Videoart. Casa Asia. Barcelona. November.
Ni?os consentidos. Experimental animation. Barcelona. November.
Bartcelona. Sala Mercé Sala. Barcelona. December- january.
ANTI-SUBASTA. Corretger 5. Barcelona. Group Show. December.
Postales desde el Limbo. Zaragoza. Group Show. December.
M2. Sa Fábrica. Menorca. Group Show. December- February.

Wallpaper. A&D. Barcelona. Group Show. February.
Tianguis d’Art. CMTV. Barcelona. Group Show. February.
SWAB 2011. Colaboration with CONCEPTA BARCELONA. February.
“Welcome to the dollhouse” Mito Gallery. Solo show. Barcelona. March.
RESKATE. Barcelona. Group Show. La Pan Gallery. April.
RESKATE. Berlin. Group Show. Pantocr?tor Gallery. April.
Post it show Barcelona. Atticus Gallery. Barcelona. May. Artist and Curators.
SWAB (Art Fair Barcelona). Mito Gallery. May.
Ilustradora Crajes

Ilustradora Crajes

Ilustradora Crajes
