Perfil de Chandre Hatton

Book Binding and Publication Design

Let's talk about race

Book binding and publication design

In this brief the main aim was to design a story based on a social, political or environmental issue. A book was also created so that this story could be displayed and read by others. The book is also accompanied by a journal where the reader can express their feelings towards the story and write down experiences that the story might have reminded them of. 

This story is based on the constant social issue of racism. The book is aimed at children, and the story is told in a simple, sweet and memorable way, as it is important that we teach children from a young age about the issues surrounding racism.

The story is based on the idea of associating chocolates with different skin colours, and this is done to bring across the simple message that, no matter what our outsides look like, our insides are all the same.
A few pages from the book that were hand painted and illustrated
The container, book and journal that comes along with the story
Book Binding and Publication Design
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Book Binding and Publication Design

Book Binding and Publication Design

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