The Objective
To create a brand identity for an up and coming technology business, whilst keeping to their aims and philosophy apparent. The brand needs to posses a socially responsible solution
The Solution
To create a brand that correlates with their brand name, a theory proposed by David Bohm. He suggested that through every chaotic system, there lies a pattern. Implicate Order creates a connection between the chaotic system of the internet.

Through David Bohm's theory, he regarded the brains neural network system as patterns. Taking this idea, the solution was to tie the human brains synapses to the systems of Artificial Intelligence

Understanding the extent of socially responsible design , all printed stationery and branding would utilize recycled paper/wind power made paper
Logo Experimentation
Invoice and Letterhead
Business Cards

Data Visualisation
Polymorphic Logo
Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity

Branding for an Artificial Intelligence Company
