
New logo for the society ‘’Veïns, veïnes, amics i amigües de la Malva’’.
(Neighbours and friends of Malvarosa, a beach area  in Valencia)

This new union comes from merge the two old societies ‘’Veïns de la Malvarosa’’and ‘’Amics i amigues de la Malva’’, and for that they needed a new logo and branding.


At the beginning of the design process the idea was to play with the shapes of V and A.Both characters could be simplified as triangles in opposite directions.After rework the concept several times the design was simplified to a zig-zag line that merge the two characters and the two united societies at the same time ( VVAA).

For the coloring I chose the main colors of the beach.The M from Malvarosa ( the valencian beach) is representing the sea as a baptism over the new united society.
Logo/ Branding

Logo/ Branding
