Imposible stairs
I feel that through this drawing i reached a new level which i've wanted for a while now and i say this because i wanted to practice my patience, i wanted to create a more complex drawing and also this was the first drawing in which i used color.
Imposible cube world

A world where 3 entities coexist together in perfect harmony. Everyone helps the other, share information, work together into creating a simple, perfect and for some, a imposible world.
Time travel
I had this drawing in the drawer for quite some time now, but i finally decided to finish it.
Don't want to tell much about it, i think the title say much. If you have any questions, please tell me.
Im thinking of doing some digital work as well at some point.
A paradoxal future - meditation zone

One of my submision (1 out of 3) for INSPIRED contest, the illustration section.
A paradoxal future - street zone

Another submision for INSPIRED contest, the illustration section.
A paradoxal future - suburb zone

The third and last drawing i submited for INSPIRED competition the illustration section.
And that sphere is kinda sort of a vehicle.
Architecture chaos

Well... this drawing waited to be finished for at least 1 year but i finally found time and mood to finish it .
I think i used 3B and 5B for this drawing. not sure, i cant remember actually.
As you can see its Echer style... lots of illusions.
If you find any mistakes... well.... there is a high chance to be intentionally made.
Form fight

It's preety simple...It's a fight between a sphere and a cube frame.
It's on canson paper.. worked with 2,4,5,8B
I know the composition is a bit wrong... but i didnt want to crop the paper.
Wooden log

Just a drawing as tribute to M.C. Escher. One of my favorites.
The whole thing was intended to be made from wood... but decided to let it more abstract.
Chaotic directions

Well... the name speak for itself.
Same like my other drawings this is an evolved drawing, meaning its something that came while i was drawing.
Imposible cube

Just a cube, you would say.
Took around 3-4 hours to make. Used 5B and 8B pencils
Imposible worlds

Imposible worlds

These are a few of my drawings inspired by the great M.C. Escher.
