The Free Meal
Installation - Trasformatorio 2018

This work was exhibited in Trasformatorio 2018, the 4th international lab for experimental and site-specific, Messina, Sicily, Italy 2018.

The concept behind the work:
How many of us in our travels or transfers from one place to another, have faced the mirage on the horizon, and attracted us to it? It is the stumbling block that we always pursue in our lives. The mirage never leaves our lives completely. In life, there are many things that may seem real, but in fact, aren›t, and could be harmful and deceptive to us.
In the transformations that surround us in every time and place in our life, a mirage used a trick to beat us, and all every time our minds have been seduced by these lies that touch our feelings, soul and then make us eager to open our arms to touch it.
In the present days, the imagination and mirage have turned into an area in which everyone competes in exaggerating their fantasies in order to prolong that kind of journey in our life, and the targeted media and corrupt politicians played a great role to distract our minds. So the result is an endless mirage for everyone.

The Arab Spring revolutions were the best proof of the deception of the people, who were wrong and ignorant towards the reality of things. After they felt the success of these protests and destroyed the corrupt political systems, but after while they have been deceived by the fake messages from dirty media to show the revolution›s aim was to destroy the state by exploiting the lack of culture and knowledge among peoples, Those messages was a step in the plan which in turn reproduced and brought back the old corrupt political regimes but in a new look.
The mirage permeates our real life too much, and believe that kind of imagination is a way to achieve happiness and satisfaction. We have mixed what is achievable with what is only latent in the realms of imagination, and our lives got lost in an illusion and mirage by losing our identities and ourselves.

Project description:
The idea is to try to shed light on the fact that things from afar may look different to us and when we approach them we do discover they were a big trick. The small stones and the large rolling pin may have appeared from afar as a prepared piece of bread, but in reality, they are nothing. 
Just deception and mirage that we have deluded ourselves into believing in it.
The Free Meal
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The Free Meal

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