New flag for Honolulu, Hawaii.
Old flag for Honolulu, Hawaii.
     This flower is a Yellow Hibiscus, the state flower of Hawaii. They grow in Honolulu, Hawaii. After seeing this flower, I got the inspiration to redesign the city flag of Honolulu based off of it.
Although it may seem unheard of, there are flags for cities. If you have heard of this, you probably know that many of them look very bad. Honolulu is a beautiful and popular place of attraction, but like most cities, has a bad flag. The old flag has many issues, the main one being that there are too many images on the flag, in the form of a seal. There are even specific steps to follow when making a flag. These steps summarize to keeping the flag simple and relevant. Above all, a flag should never have a crest, seal, or lettering on it. These all defeat the purposes of the flag. My flag follows all these rules. My flag is a yellow hibiscus flower on a blue background. The red star on the flower is flower's center and represents that Honolulu is the capital city of Hawaii. The blue background represents the ocean.
Honolulu, Hawaii
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Honolulu, Hawaii

Flag Redesign of Honolulu, Hawaii

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