Karolina Pietrzyks profilEwa Glowackas profil

website / open triennale

Identity and website for Otwarte Triennale / Open Triennale 
8. Young Triennale in Orońsko
Symposium 25.09—30.09.2018
Exhibition 1.10—6.01.2018

Open identity included website, poster, various advertisements, video animation, online and outside animated banners,
issue of Orońsko Quaterly dedicated to Open Triennale, a cardboard file with materials for symposium, 
some gadgets and other stuff.

After curators: "The Open Triennale refers to the formula of a review, developed from the beginning. 
In order to give it a contemporary dimension we suggest shifting the stress of the main programme onto 
what is usually described as accompanying events, in order to address the problem of activities generally happening 
on the margins or outside the main field of art. Instead of an spectacular exhibition, we propose a symposium consisting of presentations, addresses, discussion panels, shows of works and lectures touching the issues of artistic production 
and its distribution from the perspective of artists themselves. 

The exhibition itself is an extension of the five-day-long meeting, active forms of production-exchange 
of experiences and knowledge. The event is supposed to be a space for expression, free from strict rules, 
dedicated to artists, curators and others not only interested in contemporary art. Like in previous years, artists 
have been invited inter alia as a result of meetings and study visits in many artistic centres all over Poland. 
We have decided to go beyond the institutional circulation and academic circles, also reaching independent venues 
and initiatives created in a bottom-up way, without trying to confirm any theses assumed in advance." read more

Identity/website made with Ewa Głowacka.
Curators: Aurelia Nowak, Romuald Demidenko, Tomek Pawłowski
Code development: Jacek Świtoń

Main motives of identity were clock faces, numbers, black&white, notebook lines, circles
and pop-ups with words of Open Triennale. 
We used various range of open source fonts: 
TeX Gyre Heros, Junicode, Computer Modern, Linux Libertine Mono and Nuckle from Heavyweight foundry. 

The aim was to have an open and changing identity that base on the character of the event.

website / open triennale

website / open triennale
