Nathan Chang's profile

Image Composition

Image Compositions
Photoshop Image Compositions
About the project

Faculty of Art and Design UNSW
BMA Media Arts
SOMA3416 (year 3, semester 1)
Software: Photoshop / Illustrator
Keywords: blending, layers, manipulation, image, impose
Hidden lies

The purpose of the project is to challenge the correlation between the constant digitalisation of humanity’s lives, and the portrayal of disguising oneself and authenticity. The 21st century prevalence of the online and digital has naturally lead humanity into a 21st century form of camouflage and disguisement.  It is clear, everywhere we look, that there is the daily decision to be fake or authentic online, with many choosing the former. This notion is shown in An Xiao’s performance piece ‘The Artist is Present’, challenging about how technology mediates our social relationships and connections, and the vast differences between online and offline communication. My project will convey this message and challenge it, enabling the audience to reflect upon their own perspective of their online betrayal. Using Photoshop to edit my image composite to create my idea, almost ‘pixelating’ ones life so to speak and expressing the feeling and emotion behind this online betrayal.
Jesus walking on water in the presence of the disciples - Matthew 14:22-36
Float your boat
Image Composition

Image Composition
