Satrun Flight Manual

Satrun is an imagined man-made flying vehicle. Located in the distant future at a time when Earth and man are flourishing in a state of symbiosis. Satrun provides mobility to private users, allowing them to travel at a leisurely pace. The 360 degree viewing screen allows travellers access to Earth's landscapes and provides a stimulating environment. Satrun is an organic device, which converts carbon dioxide into oxygen.

During this time period, simple pictograms serve to communicate complexities into simplicities. In many ways, these pictograms serve as a universal language, seamlessly bridging our global society. Humans sensory perception and ability to process information has become heightened. The Satrun flight manual provides the necessary tools for the user to adapt flight patterns on a regional base.

Graphic Design: Pasan Chandraweera 
Photograph: Micheal Dickinson

Satrun - Flight Manual

Satrun - Flight Manual

Satrun Flight Manual is an imagined flight manual for an imagined man-made flying vehicle.
