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Eloquent JavaScript Illustrations

I was commissioned to create 23 pure black & white ink illustrations for the 3rd edition of this super famous JavaScript book - "Eloquent JavaScript". The drawings are finally done and I am looking forward to seeing this book released soon :)

Publisher: No Starch Press USA; (Releasing date: October, 2018)
Author: Marijn Haverbeke (The Nederlands - programmer, tech writer - now living in Berlin)
Illustrations: Madalina Tantareanu
Overview of all illustrations
Cover illustration
Chapter 2: Program Structure
Chapter 4: Data Structures: Objects and Arrays
Chapter 6: The Secret Life of Objects
Chapter 8: Bugs and Errors
Chapter 9: Regular Expressions
Chapter 11: Asynchronous Programming
Chapter 12: Project: A Programming Language
Chapter 13: JavaScript and the Browser
Chapter 14: The Document Object Model
Chapter 15: Handling Events
Chapter 16: Project: A Platform Game
Chapter 17: Drawing on Canvas
Chapter 19: Project: A Pixel Art Editor
Chapter 20: Node.js
Chapter 21: Project: Skill-Sharing Website
Final cover
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Eloquent JavaScript Illustrations


Eloquent JavaScript Illustrations
