Mixer Brush Project
First time experimenting with the Mixer Brush tool in Photoshop.  Simply emulated live paintbrush techniques with a stylus pen using different sizes and weights of brushes on top of a photo I had, obviously of a large praying mantis. 

Text Tutorial Project
I chose a text tutorial off the internet that I could possibly use in future projects.  I followed it as accurately as I could and changed or enhanced what I saw fit.  Used an appropriate font, simple layer styling and paint brush techniques to achieve this gleaming effect. 
Postcard Project
The goal here was to create 2 postcards using multiple text effects, including 3-D, masking and text layer styles, location- appropriate images and eye-catching photos all while keeping file organized and within the post-card dimensions.

Animal Morph Project #1
One of my favorite projects and overall Photoshop capability thus far.  I happened to find two extremely compatible photos for the task, selected portions of the rabbit to place on the snake.  Then it was just a matter of  working with the opacity while erasing or blending the edges and going back and forth with the clone stamp and spot healing tools. A bit of color was also added experimentally to the edges of the ears.
Animal Morph Project #2
Again, another fun project for me.  Using a personal photo of old Mantis, I chose the additions accordingly.  Similar to the "Snabbit" in project 1, selected and placed, erased or blended opacity, cloned and healed and then stylized with a drop shadow. 
Awful T.V. Show Ad Poster
This project was also enjoyable and fun!  The point was to design a horrible television ad using provided images of the gopher and trademark label.  It was then required to include 6+ other images, title and brief info about the show.  Similar to any morph, selections were made and arranged blended and stylized.  Layer organization was particularly important in order to make it all come together.  I reworked the text a couple times to utilize open space and slapped in the old Mantis. 
Photo editing 

New Moon Cafe retail coffee bag format



First semester, first go EVER at photoshop fundamental projects.
