DOFX Motion Graphics's profile

Golden Elegance Alphabet

General Description
“Golden Elegance Alphabet” is an animated Typeface that can be used in several occasions like Intros, Title or Lower Thirds. You can create eye-catching and elegant writings with this project. Select the letters. put the letters side by side. render! it’s that easy. you can get interesting results by changing the overlay mode of the text animations you create. Each letter is 1500px. You can create 4k and larger videos. You can increase the speed of letter formation. You can turn it into silver with one click.
Gold or silver option
Entire English alphabet
Numbers 0-9
Special characters ( ’-!”$ x % + ( ) * . , / : ; ? @ _ + = )
French characters (Àà Ââ Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Ïï Îî Ôô Öö Ùù Ûû Üü Ÿÿ)
Turkish characters (Çç Ğğ İı Öö Şş Üü)
Each character individually animated
Video tutorial included
No font required
Music track is not included but you can buy it here: Elegance
Easy controls
Technical Specifications
30 frames per second
Each letter animation 1500px
Works on any resolution, even 4K
Very easy to edit with the “characteristic” script.
No Plugins required

Item Support
By purchasing our product, you get lifetime technical support. If you have any question contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible, usually withing 24 hours.


Download After Effects Project:
Golden Elegance Alphabet