Perfil de Strategic Campaign Group

Longer Emails Drive Campaign Fundraising Results

A political consulting firm that works with candidates at all levels, Strategic Campaign Group focuses on building highly competitive campaigns that emphasize conservative values. Currently, Strategic Campaign Group is focused on creating pathways to success in the 2018 midterm elections, relying in part on digital targeted strategies. 

A variety of issues affect this growing field. A recent Campaigns and Elections article describes the challenges faced by digital consultants, who must reconcile voters’ shortening attention spans with their enthusiasm for longer email content. This latter trend is at the center of a success story involving the use of longer emails in a recent Texas Senate campaign. Emphasizing “authenticity,” the lengthy emails resulted in unexpectedly robust fundraising, with donations totaling more than $6 million. 

Experts have noted, however, that while longer email content can provide a winning approach, particularly when targeting small donors, it may not be appropriate for all election efforts. The strategy’s success hinges largely on the perceived credibility of the author and his message. In efforts focused on quick fundraising, a shorter email can actually prove more effective, as the very brevity of the message generates a sense of urgency in the reader.
Longer Emails Drive Campaign Fundraising Results

Longer Emails Drive Campaign Fundraising Results
