Michelle Campos 的个人资料

UX Design Support - chat bot

CHAT BOT for Design support

After a design thinking session, the team has identified the necessity of having a way to automatize the design support work for the operation team for the EMR solution. Around 600 employees (developers, sales team, product owners, business analysts) deal every day on the Design Library, reading and interacting with the components specifications provided by the UX team.

One of the most expensive tasks is to support internal users with doubts about those design components. Based on that, we start the design thinking process, discovering and also researching about the scenarios we could deal with in order to solve this overload to the team.

One of the strongest insights that came after the ideation phase was related to build a chatbot that uses the library content to help users.

Before the chat bot, the support is made just consulting the content provided on our library or asking directly the designers about questions were already pointed on the library. Right after the implementation of the chatbot we could eliminate around 30% of the design effort supporting the operational team, and the team was able to apply the effort on developing and proposing innovation to the business.

UX Design Support - chat bot


UX Design Support - chat bot
