Gender Pay Gap 

So, for my next artwork I have been wanting to make a work that draws awareness to the gender pay gap that still exists especially in South Africa. According to Business Insider (2018) women are still earning less than men around 21% less. As a working woman myself I find this issue very concerning and I wonder why in 2018 that this is still a problem. Furthermore, it is even more concerning that this issue is often spoken about as one that no longer exists. I couldn’t but wonder if the confidentiality agreement that most people sign in their work contracts is perpetuating this issue and keeping it under wraps.

For this artwork I wanted to keep it minimal and only use text, I wanted the work to replicate a formal letter of notice. I ultimately decided to write the text “this artwork costs 21% more if you are a man” and felt like this would make a good comment on the gender pay gap issue in a way that also relates to art and my study. Personally, I really enjoyed the minimal nature of this work and how it turned out.    
Equal Pay.2018. Digital media. Sarah Kieswetter 

Anon.2018.  Gender wage gap. Available: (Accessed 10 May 2018)
Gender Pay gap

Gender Pay gap
