Motion in Field
I recently created some short animations for the release of the album ‘Finding Shore’, a collaboration between Tom Rogerson and Brian Eno. This particular track – Motion in Field – stuck with me; so much variety and detail in a minimal piece of modern classical music, with beautiful piano melodies over a flow of rhythmic glitches.

I get excited creating abstract, simple and geometric pieces of motion design. I’m often experimenting with different designs and techniques using short-form animation, exploring beautiful minimal patterns and movement to create something visually captivating. Motion in Field felt like the perfect piece of music to put my experiments to the test.

Design and Animation: Al Boardman
Tools: Adobe Illustrator and After Effects
Music: “Motion In Field” from ‘Finding Shore’
Written and Performed by Tom Rogerson and Brian Eno
Courtesy of Dead Oceans
Motion in Field

Motion in Field

A personal motion design project
