ENNEA is a magazine dedicated to intelligent discourse about the enneagram, its current applications, and future potential.

The Enneagram of Personality is a model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. Although the origins and history of many of the ideas and theories associated with the Enneagram of Personality are a matter of dispute, contemporary Enneagram claims are principally derived from the teachings of Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo.

Art direction Adriana Von Hafen

Senior Writer: Jordi Gill
Art Direction & magazine design: Adriana Von Hafen
Cover Design: Adriana Von Hafen
Photography: Eva Puerto

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ENNEA magazine | Art direction
公開日 :

ENNEA magazine | Art direction

ENNEA es una publicación ficticia creada como proyecto final y que pretende constituirse en un órgano de difusión científico – psicológico, con e 詳細を表示

公開日 :