Hyperloop Product Demonstration
A product demonstration I created showcasing the external features of a Hyperloop concept I designed and created. This was my Graded Unit from my second year of College which consisted of a 5 week project from brief to presentation to mock client.
The overall visuals of the animation I was really pleased with. Although created quite simply I think the starting scene, the grassy hill, was executed well in terms of both composition and visuals. The transition from scene to white space was something that influenced the creation of the scene as it had to 'slide away'  meaning that the sky rather than being an environment map was instead a simple textured plane. The grass was created using the hair and fur modifier to create the look of density to the field as well as to add more to a rather plain looking environment which led to it being animated to sway.
Using After Effects, I created the annotation for the various features of the piece, these were easily produced but created a good effect. The white background fit well with the simple style of the annotations to create a clear demonstration to the viewer without distracting or confusing them with over the top graphics that could potentially harm the product rather than promote it.

