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FANTOM photographic quarterly

FANTOM photographic quarterly
Fantom Editions
FANTOM with an F, is a international publication about the uses and abuses of photography. It is about the art of capturing timed effects of light. For practitioners and professionals by professional practitioners, FANTOM enframes its content in sectors: EYE TO EYE where photographers converse; SAMPLE SIZE with ready made discoveries by excellent eyes; BY APPOINTMENT ONLY offered by a collector or about a collection; EYE OF THE BEHOLDER, where gallerists celebrate the time based talents they expose and trade; and MEANS TO AN END surveying the unintentional surprises of purposeful image production, i.e. scientific, commercial, surveillance, documentary and the like. Herein the vernacular can take precedence over the artistic and visa versa depending on the value not of a discourse that comes after the image but allowing pictures to lead the discussions. A voyage into photography, FANTOM will orient readers and viewers in the scaled horizons drawn by photography and those who critique, exhibit, collect, occupy and emulate it. Found, forgotten and not yet discovered, first and foremost FANTOM features the voice of photographers, in interviews, portfolios, and statements alongside the often silent but rarely without a voice medium of Fotography. (
FANTOM photographic quarterly

FANTOM photographic quarterly

Fantom, with F...
