I used the watercolor painting tutorial. It was hard to get the right exposure for the photo, so I had to black the sun so it was darker. It was also hard to get the right watercolor look, so I had to use two different kinds of brushes. I like the look of the flowers in the photoshopped picture, but I don't like how dull the colors look. 
I used the watercolor painting tutorial. It was hard to get the right angle for this photo because the trees kind of blend together, so I had to take it from farther away. It was also hard to get the texture right, so I had to turn it down very low. I like how it actually looks like a landscape painting, but I don't like the weird texture of the canvas. 
I used the watercolor painting tutorial. It was hard to get that close to the bee, so I had to zoom in and get really close to it. It was also hard to get the angled strokes right, so I had to make the strokes shorter. I like how the bee makes the photo a bit more interesting. I don't like how the spatter and the wet brush don't blend very well. 
I used the watercolor painting tutorial. It was hard to find the right angle to make the tree look good, so I took it from a down angle to get all of the leaves. It was also hard to color over the tree, so I had to make the brush bigger. I don't like haw the bottom of the canvas is a bit blank, but I like how the sky and sporadic brush strokes make it look cool. 
I used the watercolor painting tutorial. It was hard to get the right exposure, so I had to lower the shutter speed and increase the ISO. It was also hard to get the colors darker, so I had to duplicate the layer. I like how the colors look, but I don't like the background behind the flowers. 
Photoshop Exploration

Photoshop Exploration


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