T.E. Lawrence Exhibition

Following the clue “All men dream: but not equally..” We were tasked with designing 
materials for an upcoming exhibition based in the UK with considerations to how location 
might add atmosphere or relevance. The exhibition is primarily aimed at the public 
however there will be options for private viewing.

Through research we discovered Thomas Edward Lawrence was a British archaeologist, 
military officer, diplomat and writer who spent a lot of time with the Arabic people and 
when war broke out and the Arab revolt began against turkey Lawrence became liaison 
advisor to the son of the revolts leader. He had a major influence in guerrilla warfare. 
Not only did he help the Arabs win the battle of Aqaba, but he also changed guerrilla 
warfare for good. 

Our exhibition shows the journey through T. E. Lawrence's’ life displaying the difficulties 
of the journey though the desert ending up and the battle of Aqaba. The exhibition is 
themed with revealing the truth, it shows T. E. Lawrence as just a man who accomplished 
great things and dispels the myth of Lawrence of Arabia. To show this further we have 
designed posters and invitations which match the style of the exhibition.

Exhibition Boards


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T.E. Lawrence Exhibition
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