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Samsung Smart Grid 2012

Digitale Kunst
The technology promotion video explaining smart grid technology which is the eco-friendly intelligence power grid technology of Samsung is produced. It is the contents to deliver the detailed features interactively after dividing into three sections. The related video is exhibited at Samsung Delight now and also used at various CES or WIS exhibitions.
May 2012  ·  © D.FY Creative Studio.
Navigation structure using camerawork
For smart grid video, it gives the feeling to walk in directly using the work through technique of camera in order to maximize the user experience. This technique plays the role of navigation of interactive video delivering various technologies more easily and intuitively and helps the overall understanding about how the power grid technology of Samsung works.
Image quality upgrade through 2D mapping
With the way of adding 3D wireframe to 2D mapping, it upgraded the quality of the final products. The navigation constructed possible realistic 3D space but it added skilled designers’ artwork instead of being finished with mechanic rendering process in order to complete the details of image.
Function description plot with various stories
With the plots of each character and space explaining various functions, it enhanced the relevance of the story. Even when the users zoom in on the individual space containing sub-contents, the rendering quality is not dropped.
Samsung Smart Grid 2012 - Making Films
3D Objet Design
Various scales of objet were designed through 3D modeling and 2D mapping.
Info-graphic utilization for technology description
For realistic and detailed graphics, it used info-graphics in bold color in order to catch the users’ attention and reflected the needs to technology description video.


Samsung Smart Grid 2012
An animated promotional guide to utilizing Samsung eco-friendly power-saving products.
Designed by
D.FY Creative Studio.

Soongyu Gwon  — Art Director / Designer

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© 2015 D.FY Creative Studio.
Samsung Smart Grid 2012

Samsung Smart Grid 2012

이번 독일에서 개최된 2012 IFA 전시회에서 쓰인스마트 그리드2 입니다. 스마트그리드에 대한 개념을 3개의 섹션으로 나누어 인포그래픽한 요소와 함께 각각의 개별 제품들을 인터랙티브하게 보여주는 전시툴입니다. 2011년에 만든 스마트 그리드를 Isometri Mehr anzeigen
