Human mind is complicated; unlike other living beings it has special abilities - it can think, own perceptions, and reflect upon topics. Similarly, it can behave totally different in different situations (of a person) - 
sometimes upto that extent that one person seems to have dual or more personalities. Such is my story.

Brought up in a Convent school, I was bound by rules at school and totally a wild child at home, it was almost as if I had dual personalities. Outdoors, I was mostly serious and at home a magic believer, free and happy kid. With time, I tried to merge my behaviours but still, though all of you know me as a sober person, there’s a wild side to me which waits to be unleashed at the right moment and place.

That is my alter ego, the core of me. If I ever write a book and you find a wild free soul in it, do not forget that it’s my alter.
Thank you!
Alter Ego

Alter Ego
