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Card-based UI Libraries by Top App Developers

Card-Based UI Libraries and Components by Top App Developers [iOS & Android]

Cards are widely popular among the mobile app interfaces today. One of the reasons is because they represent the actual physical cards that we have in real life. Among the most popular iOS and Android apps that have them are Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn. They all use cards to represent pieces of the content and distinguish them from each other.


Language: Swift
Platform: iOS
Description: 📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper card material design. Swift UI Library by @Ramotion

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA 🇺🇸​​​​​​​

Language: Swift
Platform: iOS
Description: ExpandingCollection is a material design card peek/pop controller. Android UI Library made by @Ramotion

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA 🇺🇸​​​​​​​

Language: Java
Platform: Android
Description: This is a library to help creating expanding views with animation in Android

Location: Campina Grande, Brazil 🇧🇷


Language: C++
Platform: iOS
Description: This app shows demonstrates a folding animation for UITableViewCells. It can be used on any UIView, but it looks really good on UITableViewCells.

Language: Java
Platform: Android
Description: This code is a showcase of a foldable animation I created for Worldline. The code is fully written with java APIs from the Android SDK, without the use of any external library. This code is a demo and not a library. The foldable layout is a layout (strictly a RelativeLayout), which can have two child layouts, one for the cover, and one for the details. The foldable layout takes care of the folding animation between those two layouts.

Language: Java
Platform: Android
Description: An extension of ResideMenu

Location: Shanghai, China 🇨🇳​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Language: Swift
Platform: iOS
Description: Custom CollectionView card layout

Location: Taipei, Taiwan 🇹🇼​​​​​​​

Language: Swift
Platform: iOS
Description: Provides a tableview cells expansion (expanding cell area - subcells'), you can expand cells up to level ∞-1. Use Dynamic JSON Tree structure to initialise, or use static initialisers - Indexing/Swifty Closures.

Location: Ahmedabad, India 🇮🇳​​​​​​​

Language: Swift
Platform: iOS
Description: ✨ Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS written in Swift 4

Location: Seoul, South Korea 🇰🇷

Language: Java
Platform: Android
Description: A togglelayout that can be used in setting interface

Location: Chengdu, China 🇨🇳​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Language: Java
Platform: Android
Description: An infinite card switching UI for Android, support custom animation 可自定义动效的卡片切换视图

Location: Jiangxi, Nanchang, China 🇨🇳​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Language: Objective-C
Platform: iOS
Description: UITableView with expand/collapse feature (fully animatable)

Language: Java
Platform: Android
Description: An android library that brings the expandable layout with various animation. You can include optional contents and use everywhere.

Location: Tokyo, Japan 🇯🇵​​​​​​​ 

Language: Java
Platform: Android
Description: An Android layout class that supports animating the expansion and collapse of its child views.

Location: Munich, Germany 🇩🇪​​​​​​​

Language: Swift
Platform: iOS
Description: Card flip animation by pan gesture.

Location: Shanghai, China ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​🇨🇳​​​​​​​




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Card-based UI Libraries by Top App Developers

Card-based UI Libraries by Top App Developers

Card based open source UI animation libraries and components developed by Top App Developers for iOS and Android on Swift and Java languages.
